How green is my school-ISA Activity(Collaborative)
“Trees are God’s great alphabet: With them He writes in shining green Across the world His thoughts serene”
Keeping in tandem with the aforesaid paradigm,RPSians planted saplings in school compound. However, before they could actually start planting, the School gardener looked on and offer friendly tips to ensure that each sapling was carefully tended.
It was such a joyful sight to see the kids taking their tasks so seriously! School Principal Dr.Roopa Marwaha Bhalla and School administrator Ms.Shiva Yadav joined the students and appreciated them for their concern regarding environment. Let this education not be restricted to the School, let it extend to our homes and areas around us -said by School Principal. The students gained knowledge about how to save water, conserve energy and save trees to reduce global warming, reduce the carbon footprint and pollution. The values learnt from the activity was a step forward in becoming good human being as well as global citizens.
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